EnGl 106 SpRiNg 2009

What is Visual Argument?

In a few sentences (7-10) provide a succint definition of visual argumentation and give at least 2 examples to support your definition. Be sure to describe your examples and explain how/what rhetorical strategies they use.

15 Responses

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  1. meganbr said, on January 26, 2009 at 12:58 am

    Visual argument is advertising, comics, or anything of that sort used to draw the audiences in. There is visual advertising all around us. A lot of the arguments I see generally deal with alcohol and cigarettes, sex appeal is used for both of them. Seeing that we are all human sex appeal will generally get us to turn our heads and read what the advertisement has to say. When the elections started there were a ton of visual arguments dealing with Bush and Kerry. They were usually divided in half and one side would carry on for Bush and one side for Kerry. Visual arguments are all around us asking us which side or which product we should use.

  2. kbtimmons said, on January 26, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    Visual arguments tend to be used in advertising because “a picture is worth a thousand words,” right? Visual images are used to manipulate audiences into seeing what the advertiser wants us to see. Visual arguments in advertising are usually much more effective than a written advertisement. It just takes a second to look at a visual ad, but many more seconds to take the time to read an advertisement. Visual arguments use catchy, bright ads to draw our eyes in to see what they have to show us. Advertisers have a specific audience in mind when they are placing a visual advertisement in a magazine, for example. In the magazine Cosmopolitan, there are many sexy, racy ads for colognes and perfumes. These ads are directed towards the adult women (and men) who flip through or read the magazine.

  3. cgass said, on January 27, 2009 at 3:48 am

    Visual arguments, in my opinion, are far more effective than written arguments because they excite the eye and leave no work for the imagination. They can relate to sexual appeal, hunger appeal, or the appeal to be “cool.” These can be displayed everywhere, from billboards to bus stops, to magazines to electronic devices, everyone sees visual arguments daily. For example, many ads add beautiful women to their product to essentially show that if they use their product, they will have or look like beautiful women. Another example is when charities put pictures of distraught children on their advertisements to add Pathos, or emotional appeal, to want to donate to help children with cleft pallet or bald children with leukemia. These pictures can easily intrigue people to give into the advertisements and I think they are a very efficient way of persuasion.

  4. WEIWEI HUANG said, on January 27, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    visual argument is a non-verbal arguements which explain the context by some images without saying anythings,images are omni-present tv, mages,net. visual argument surround us in life and online, such as the advertisment, its aim is to highligh particular imformation to attract viewers’ attentions.

  5. Speck said, on January 27, 2009 at 7:28 pm

    Visual arguments are more effective in today’s society that written arguments. People in today’s world watch more t.v. and use their computer more than they read a newspaper. The media has made their newspaper available for people to read on their lap tops on their way to work. Even teens and younger children are using technology. If someone wants to show their message they are more likely to use a picture or a video clip because more people will see it but it also has a stronger meaning when people see it.

  6. jihkim said, on January 27, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    Visual argument is a way of making argument by using visual images. Not like written or aural arguments, which are depending on the use of word, visual argument actually ‘shows’ what its message. Visual argument has advantages in telling the idea in short time and with big impact. It depends on impression while written argument depends on detail and information. For example, there are trademarks of companies. If we see a round V-shaped mark, we instantly know that it is a company which produces sports goods, Nike. Although we know it because we have heard about Nike on the advertisement, we associate the information we learned from the advertisement with the mark when we see it. Product’s picture manuals can also be visual arguments. They tell us how to use product in a more understandable way than the word manuals do.

  7. jewalter said, on January 27, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    Visual argumentation is something that appeals to a person visually and helps draw them in. There are so many forms of visual advertising such as TV commercials, magazines, newspaper ads, and internet ads. No matter where you are, there is probably some form of advertisement around you. TV commercials play on a person’s emotions. For example if the commercial is for a beauty product, you will see a very good looking model that you want to look like. This makes some people think if they get that product they will look like the model in the ad. Internet ads have become increasingly popular over the recent years. The companies know what sites they should advertise on to reach their target audience. If they want to target young adults they may want to advertise on sites like Facebook or Myspace.

  8. aschnaus said, on January 27, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    Visual argumentation is something that really draws a person into what you are saying through a visual aid. There are so many types of visual aids, including magazine, newspaper, internet ads, billboards along the highway, and lastly, ads on city buses. Having a visual makes presenting your idea to your audience so much easier. If you are in a big business meeting trying to show how well a product works and you just read off statistics people are going to lose interest and not know what you are talking about. By using say a pie chart, your audience has something to show them visually what you are trying to show and talk about. Another example is when you want to sell you’re left over season basketball tickets, you can make an advertisement on facebook which will target adults at Purdue that would want those tickets.

  9. Sayantani said, on January 27, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    Visual argument is basically bringing the three forms of rhetoric- ethos, logos and pathos into life. It is presented before audiences inthe form of illustrations, photographs, motion pictures ( fictional and documentaries), plays and dramas and commercials or advertisements. A visual appeal is an essential aspect of the human mentality as we tend to grasp better when we are able to visualize. A lot of creative individuals such as directors, advertisers and marketing campaigners use visual argument to inform the public of a particular event, product or service, politicians use visuals for propoganda and directors and photographers use it as an outlet for their creativity. In my opinion, visual argument has broken through the barrier of illetracy and in most third-world countries where a large proportion of the population cannot read, visual arguments are used everywhere for sign-posts warning of danger to commercials advertising the latest product! In conclusion, visuals are an important aspect of our life… i doubt we could go on without those funny commercials and colourful billboards!

  10. Jbeaulieu said, on January 27, 2009 at 10:04 pm

    Visual argument is when an image or graphic is used to make a point. There are many examples of this in today’s society. This technique is frequently used in advertising. In advertising images are used to convey the products usefulness or coolness. When the viewer looks at the picture he or she is suppose think about that product. Many times the advertisements use sex appeal so the potential customer thinks that person is beautiful and uses that product and maybe he or she should use that product too. Sometimes advertisements use the bandwagon technique. The viewer sees the picture and is suppose to think “everyone is using that product I should too.” These thoughts and ideas are communicated to the viewer without words, only images.

  11. aeshaw said, on January 27, 2009 at 10:20 pm

    Visual argument is some type of powerful or thought-provoking statement that doesn’t require a written description for it’s audience to be able to understand or identify with it. Visual argument usually expresses rhetorical appeals to capture the attention of it’s viewers. These visual statements have to be eye-catching enough that they are able to play on our feelings without verbal aid. Examples of visual argument are everywhere, from simple pictures to commercials and advertisement ads. Political campaign ads or cartoons, for example, are forms of visual argument that we’ve seen lately. They attempt to use rhetoric to effectively persuade voters to choose the candidate they are supporting. These types of pictures often appeal to your sense of ethics, in trying to prove that one candidate choice is better then the other for some specific reason implied by the visual. Another example of visual argument would be fast food advertisements on highway billboards. These photos obviously are trying to convince you that you’re hungry and therefore need to stop at their restaurant. This is why “pictures are worth a thousand words,” they don’t need to be explained for you to get the idea behind them. Afterall, the most effective forms of rhetoric are those that invoke action, and what better way to do that then by using visual aid to illistrate your point.

  12. twickersham said, on January 27, 2009 at 10:40 pm

    I would have to say visual argument is a way of telling someone something with a visual showing a side of the story. Advertising is a great example of this. For example, a deodorant product could be shown on a TV screen saying that it is the best working product meant to deodorize. On the other hand, it actually only has a good scent but quits working. This can produce an argument

  13. sstiegler said, on January 28, 2009 at 1:31 am

    Visual argument is a way of presenting a certain idea or theme without the use of words. An example of visual argument could be for cigarette advertisments in magazines. Many times, the companies will use sex appeal in order to encourage someone to buy their brand. Another example could be cosmetics. Many companies will show commercials of celebrities using that company’s product. In doing so, they hope that the viewer will use that product, also. Visual argument is used by many companies for advertising purposes.

  14. Paul Koo said, on January 28, 2009 at 3:33 am

    Visual argument is an essential part of any conflict/ debate. Visual arguments are important because they are visually stimulating, which provides interest in whatever is being seen. These “visual arguments” draw attention through a variety of sources, which could include (but not limited to): pictures, magazines, political ads, posters, commercials, and documentaries. These visual arguments are used to “draw attention” and could be especially important when the subject matter is “boring” or dull. An example of a visual argument could be a documentary in National Geographic. Speaking from personal experience, I usually find the written articles pretty dull, but the pictures are (almost always) beautiful. By providing such visual stimulants, I don’t hesitate to pick up a copy of the magazines. Even though I never read the articles, I understand the main ideas by looking through the pictures.

  15. brianjsmith said, on January 28, 2009 at 6:03 am

    Using visual argument is being able to get an audience to put ideas together using a stereotype to form an opinion. An example of visual argument would be the magazine ads in Field and Stream magazine. A lot of times there will be a Matthews Bows ad with Michael Waddell or Bill Jordan holding their bow with a huge buck they had just killed. The idea of this add is to get readers to subconsciously think that as soon as they buy that bow monster bucks will just start pouring into their woods. While the bow is top of the line, in reality you will be seeing the same deer from your stand no matter what bow you bring. Another example of this visual argument would be Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s endorsement for Quaker State’s Qzone Motor Oil. In his commercials, he talks about how Qzone makes his cars run smoother and last longer, and the ad shows video of him driving his racecar. He may actually use Qzone in his personal cars, but the high performance engine in his Nextel Cup car probably requires some high octane synthetic. He also probably doesn’t own any cars with high mileage.

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